we’ve got you covered!

Customer support food school fundrasier cookbook fundraising recipes create cookbook templates make

Recipe submit form

To get started, add chapters and recipe categories in your recipe form. You can also add an introduction, and feature a background on the form too. Invite your community to submit both their recipes and images via our website, which are fed directly into your dashboard recipe library. Invite helpers to edit the recipes getting them ready for our designer to start the layout.

beautiful templates

Designed by graphic artists, we think you’ll agree our templates are stunning! Any part of the template can be changed including the font selection. After editing your recipes, select a template and send us the Do my placing form. It will ask you if you want to select your own fonts or use the ones in the template.

Customer support food fundrasier fundraising recipes create cookbook templates make

Stunning photo library

Our photo library features the most beautiful, professionally-styled food images available on the market.

There’s no limit to the number of colour images you can feature in your cookbook to match your recipes. Simply ‘search & select’ from inside the template on the page you would like our designer to position them for you.

food fundrasier recipes cookbook backgrounds

Exclusive backgrounds

Our stunning collection of backgrounds is unique to Create Cookbooks. You can add unlimited food, textures and patterns behind recipe pages.

food fundrasier recipes cookbook icons

Unlimited icons

Elevate your cookbook to the next level by featuring icons. There’s no limit and you can choose any colour.

Have a look at our template range showing you how icons can be added to recipe and chapter pages.

Customer support food fundrasier fundraising recipes create cookbook templates make

Preview flipbook

Generate a print-like flipbook preview of your cookbook at any time inside your dashboard.

While being a fantastic way to view your cookbook, it also provides certainty by showing how your cookbook will look in a printed format. View our range of templates shown as complete digital flipbook cookbooks.

Customer support food team collaborate fundrasier fundraising recipes create cookbook templates make

Your team helpers

Invite team members to help with proofreading recipes in your recipe library. You can also invite them inside the layout too.

Customer support food fundrasier fundraising recipes create cookbook templates make

Design phase

Our design team gives you reassurance before going to print.

We generate an a-z index, check the alignment of text and images, color correct personal images, and we also advise on the quality of your images prior to print, if needed.

more than just a cookbook

feature kids artwork.

food fundrasier create cookbook templates make handwritten recipes

Handwritten recipes

Old family recipes are priceless. There's something special about following your relative’s own cursive script when preparing their signature dishes. Handwritten and recipes torn from old magazines are usually faded and stained, tucked away in recipe boxes for safekeeping. A great way to preserve these precious heirlooms is by scanning or taking a good-quality photo and featuring them in a cookbook keeping loved ones' memories alive and ensuring that they can be shared with future generations to come. 

food fundrasier create cookbook templates make history book memories

Treasured memories

Creating a book doesn't just have to be about food alone. Create a book about the history of your community or region, and include old photos and the stories behind them. The possibilities are endless.

food fundrasier create cookbook templates make prmote region

Promote your region

You may be lucky enough to live in a location to showcase your region. Create a cookbook featuring all the eateries in your area, the wineries in your region, the countryside with the philosophy of “paddock-to-plate” or “nose-to-tail”, or living by the seaside. Culminate everything about your region, the community you share it with, its history, and the food and products unique to your area in a beautiful cookbook.

celebrating an occasion

Whether you’re a school or organisation, celebrate the occasion by creating a cookbook that is filled with old and new photos, special artwork, special stories, or the history of your school or organisation.

sign up, it’s free